Monday, June 24, 2013

Sister Kiana Lindmeir Lets all Hasten the Work of Salvation

i Team,
Happy Birthday Dad! I hope you are having the greatest day so far! I hope all of you are having a great day as well; I am! I am still so excited about the Historic Broadcast yesterday. Did you all watch it? It was pretty incredible! Sister Dickson and I were making guesses beforehand of what it could be. We called everything besides keeping the church unlocked for church tours. We are so excited for everything and cannot wait for it to take effect! I am especially excited about the tablets. It will make missionary work so much easier. And organized! And I love orginazation.
What I really loved about the Broadcast is the emphasis of both the members and missionaries to be unified in purpose; which is "to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recieve the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end". Some of the members in my ward have already took action in helping people come unto Christ. I hope that all of you will do so too! Just by your example, you are helping to build the Kingdom of God!
Here is a quick update of my week:
Carmin, the less active we work with invited us over for Dinner on Monday. We had delicious Thai food. We come over on Wednesday and spackled her wall. We talked about Ether 12; which we assigned her to read and she loved it. She said a beautiful prayer. It was her first prayer in a long time and she was so nervous but she did great!
We had a lesson at Geocanda Loza's home. She is a less active and we teach her non member family each week. We came over and were able to get to know her a bit better and her background. It turns out that she knows 100% that the Gospel is true. She just does not want her family to go to 2 seperate churches so she goes to the Catholic Church. We talked about Temples and that that is the ultimate goal we will help her family reach. She is looking forward to that and also to do work for her deceased ancestors in the temple. She told us how much she loves hymns and that her favorite is "I stand all amazed".
Geocanda came to church on Sunday and sat by us! The Sacrament hymn was "I Stand All Amazed". Wow! Heavenly Father really is aware of her. And each of us! She shared a beautiful testimony in Sunday School about sharing the Gospel through her example. I imagine she is going be back in the church from now on :)
On Wednesday we have a WHOLE mission Conference; which never happens. It is because they are splitting our mission so Wednesday will be the last time I see the missionaries that are going to the Richmond, VA Mission. Sister Mannchen is leaving, but I am not sure about who else is leaving the Washington DC South Mission.
Well that is all for this week. It was kind of a hard week. I think it is because school just got out. But I am looking forward to many miracles and amazing things happening this week. My invitation to all of you is to write your testimony in a Book of Mormon. Pray about who you can give it to and give it to them. I will be following up with you next week! And I promise that as you do so that you will be guided by the Spirit to know what to say and that you WILL NOT FAIL!
“Don’t worry about being successful. We are going to be successful—there is no doubt about it. The Lord has sent us to earth at the time of harvest. He does not expect us to fail. He has called no one to this work to fail. He expects us to succeed.”
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I hope you all have a great week as you keep missionary work in your hearts and minds.
Sister Lindmeir

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